Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Just Because You Are Nurse

                                                                   #Just Because You Are A Nurse

#Just because you are a nurse,almost everyone who knows you feels that you know everything or,that you must know everything about every health concerns of theirs. And most times,they aren't ready to accept a "NO" for an answer. 

This can make some people sometimes to step out of their boundaries because of pressure from the public.But we know that it is pure unethical in the profession to misguide.

#Just because you are a nurse,they don't believe you can be sick; they assume that you should know when some sickness is about to strike and cleverly prevent it.
But they don't know that there are many problems or diseases that do not give any warning,and they can also hit a nurse.

#Just because you are a nurse, they believe you have all the monies and that you must be richer than everyone in your locality.
They don't say it but they they believe it.

#Just because you are a nurse,some easily shift their aggression to you especially in the hospital, and some even deliberately want to make sure you didn't sleep if you are on night duty.

You can add your own thoughts about what people do and say just because you are a nurse.
Picture: rollingout.com

Join us on facebook.Like our page: Nurses Country.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Can I Drink Alcohol While Pregnant?

I'm Pregnant,Should I Take Alcohol?

Many of our people have different belief systems about what to eat or not eat during pregnancy.

Some communities believe that certain foods taken during pregnancy helps to reduce the weight or size of baby in the womb and makes for easy delivery.

There are simply many beliefs.I don't know what your people believe.

For many years there has been a debate about the safety of alcohol in pregnant women.Many researches have been conducted, and sometimes in the past,some people claimed that a little alcohol isn't harmful to the mom or her baby in utero.

Apart from the advice or suggestions of experts,many women have continued to take alcohol during pregnancy,no matter the trimester they are in. Some smoke heavily and take many other things that have been proven to be harmful to the child.

Yes.In many instances,they had healthy babies but,is the risk worth it? Should you stake the health of your baby and your happiness for fleeting pleasures or habits?

Some take a little,while others take much.Most times,most of these women do not even know that they are pregnant but due to the already established habit of alcohol consumption, they'd continue throughout until harm is done already to the developing baby.

"Should I drink even a small quantity of alcohol when pregnant"?

Recent research has said that taking of alcoholic drinks isn't safe at any point during pregnancy.

"The only guarantee of having no effects from alcohol is no prenatal alcohol exposure," said Dr. Janet Williams, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Texas Health Science Center and co-author of the new statement and report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

However, "studies do not conclude that alcohol use is safe," Williams said. Instead, they only show "that in certain study populations under certain conditions, there is or is not sufficient evidence of effect that can be attributable to alcohol exposure."

Indeed, according to Janni Niclasen, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Copenhagen who has studied alcohol and pregnancy, "With our current research methods, we will never be able to conclude from human studies whether there is a safe lower level below which drinking is not associated with any harm to the developing fetus."

Of course, many women inadvertently drink alcohol without realizing that they're pregnant. And alcohol often plays a role in sexual encounters aimed at producing a baby, including those that may occur when a woman doesn't know she's pregnant. So, should women of childbearing age always avoid alcohol?

Williams isn't willing to go that far, and would only say that alcohol and pregnancy don't go together. She added that some women, despite the findings of research, "continue to rationalize that their own alcohol use during pregnancy is sufficiently low or infrequent to be safe"

Niclasen, the Denmark researcher, said women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant should avoid all alcohol. "I am often called a moralist for having this perspective, but I think we need to focus on the development and future life of the unborn children," she said.

Christina Chambers, a professor of pediatrics at the Center for Better Beginnings at the University of California, San Diego, offers this advice: "Women of childbearing age who drink alcohol should consider their pattern of drinking. For example, avoid binge drinking and avoid pregnancy as long as they are drinking. If pregnancy is planned, then alcohol can be discontinued."

There may be no risk "if a woman has consumed small amounts of alcohol prior to knowing she is pregnant," she said, but "the best advice is to avoid pregnancy if drinking and to avoid drinking if pregnant."

According to both Williams and Chambers, alcohol use poses risks in all stages of pregnancy, and neither would say the risk is higher in certain stages.

Overall, Chambers said, the AAP's statement "is an important stand to take, and hopefully it will lead to less stigma associated with [fetal alcohol spectrum disorders] and to more access to and uptake of prevention and treatment services."----HealthDayNews

In all,my suggestion and which I believe you should have been able to see by now is that it is safer to stay off anything that has the capacity to harm your baby,no matter the reason.The pain and heartbreak that comes from realizing that your few moments of trivial actions actually caused some serious damage or unpleasant effect on your innocent child is not worth it at all.

What do you think? Your comment is welcome.

Stay Trim,Stay Fit and Healthy
BB: 52C060EE

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Women who work or lift a lot may struggle to get pregnant

Women who work more than 40 hours a week or routinely lift heavy loads may take longer to get pregnant than women who don’t, a US
 study suggests.
Researchers followed 1,739 nurses who were trying to get pregnant and estimated 16 per cent of them failed to achieve this goal within 12 months, and five per cent still hadn’t conceived after two years.

Working more than 40 hours a week was linked with taking 20 per cent longer to get pregnant compared to women who worked 21 to 40 hours.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Is Breastfeeding In Public Really Bad?

Thurman breastfeeds her baby
What really is the big deal about breastfeeding a hungry baby in public?

Celebrities expose bare breats in public and grace front covers of fashion magazines and are paid millions of dollars for such obvious indecent exposure.And this exposure for money isn’t the primary duty of the breasts. 

But,an innocent girl uses her breasts to save the life of an innocent baby and it becomes an offence with some people saying they "cant stand the sight"? 

So goes the argument.You can make your judgement after reading this article and also contribute to the talk.Read on and leave your comment below.

We all can still recall how just about one year ago,Karlesha Thurman was heavily criticized for breastfeeding her baby at her graduation ceremony and posting the photo online.Many people were outraged by her action and they did not hide their disapproval at all.

Thurman was at her graduation ceremony with Aaliyah, her then three-month-old daughter, when she opened the top of her gown and started breastfeeding her daughter. One of her former classmates who was sitting in front of her asked if he could take a picture of her and she agreed.

The social media was agog with diverse views about what she did.While some didn’t see anything wrong with her actions,others were lit rally 'offended' by what she did and voiced their emotions.

Ivette Ivens, is a mother of two sons, who she breastfed. One even until age
three!  She is a Chicago resident and feels public breastfeeding should be considered normal. Many years ago, breastfeeding was the only way for a mother to feed her child. Why are so many people offended to see this natural process?

She decided to do a breastfeeding photo shoot to try and remind everyone that breastfeeding is ok.

Ivette says, “I nursed them both anywhere I wanted. From church to parties, from the farmers market to high-end designer stores. I believe that mothers should nurse their little ones whenever they want to,” states Ivette. 

She is also an activist for extended breastfeed stating children know when it is time to stop and move on.

She is releasing her photobook called Breastfeeding Goddess, later this year. She also recently held an exhibit in her town titled “I breastfeed my toddler”. Ivette also enjoys family photography and specializes in it.

In a recent development  according to  ABC NEWS,a young mom who was breastfeeding her baby in a restaurant has been seriously outraged when a stranger took her pictures and posted on social media "to shame her" for breastfeeding in public.

This is what 20 year old Connor Kendall told ABC NEWS about how she felt on seeing her picture trending on social media in such a manner,

“Shock. That was my initial response.I turned away from everybody because we were in a corner," she said. "I really didn’t feel like I was that exposed.” 

Young Kendall was however very unlike the man who snapped her and wanted to shame her.She wrote a very touching and lenghty facebook post on her page in response to what happened. You wouldn’t want to miss the post.

Kendall wouldn’t reveal the name of the man out of respect for his privacy, but in her post she said she wrote to him directly in a private message, telling him that she did nothing wrong and explaining that she didn’t use a cover while feeding her son because he “fights them, screams, and doesn’t eat at all while under them. 

“If he had been screaming because he was hungry then I would be a bad mom for not feeding my hungry child. I did not pump before leaving home, A-because my son does not like to take a bottle and B-because it is my right to feed him any way I see fit wherever I see fit. I wanted to thank you for showing the public your ignorance and for shedding light on a topic that is near and dear to my heart,” she continued, adding that the man had shown his “true colors to many and you've exposed others who are likewise simple-minded.” 

Kendall told ABC News: “I let him know that it was not OK to make me feel bad for feeding my child. I showed less than ... you see every day walking down the street.” 

Kendall’s post garnered a flood of support, with one poster writing: “Good for you Mama. Way to turn a bad situation in to a positive one!” while another wrote: “Way to stick up for yourself and all of us breast feeding mamas!!” 

Kendall said the man later apologized to her in a private message.

Feeding a baby "on demand" is the rule and the advice given even by health professionals.The demand could happen in an awkward situation where it isn’t convenient to fully cover yourself or even where it couldd be totally impossible to do so.
What then happens in such a situation just like what Kendall and many other women experience daily as they nurse their babies?

Some have argued that its no offence at all to breastfeed a baby anywhere once the baby needs food.Celebrities do more than just expose breast.They expose their bare tummies,butt and vagina in some cases and are applauded as "sexy,cute and beautiful". But ffeeding a baby isn’t sexy or beautiful to behold?

What is your take on this?
If you loved this article,make your comments below and also share on all your social media paltforms.


Monday, 11 May 2015

What Is The Nursing Process?

I know that this question would look too common and ordinary for majority of readers.However I am posting it to refresh our memories and also for the new nursing students who need to consolidate their knowledge of certain basics of nursing.

Its also in the spirit of the nurses week.

The common thread uniting different types of nurses who work in varied areas is the nursing process—the essential core of practice for the registered nurse to deliver holistic, patient-focused care.

Lets begin.....

Saturday, 9 May 2015

National Nurses Week Quotes 2015: 15 Inspirational And Funny Sayings To Honor Health Professionals

 National Nurses Week is a time to pay tribute to nurses and acknowledge the vital role they play in hospitals everywhere

Nurses are the backbone of health care systems around the world, bearing up countless patients and working long days to help save lives. National Nurses Week 2015, which begins Wednesday, is a time to recognize the vital role nurses have played in hospitals everywhere.

"It's such a selfless job,” Erica Morse, a nurse clinician at Hurley Medical Center in Flint, Michigan, told MLive.com. “We are working holidays and weekends, and we miss a lot of times with our families. It's just a way to say thank you for all they do."

Friday, 8 May 2015

Fainting While Urinating

Have you ever experienced it or you know somebody that ever had such?

You get up from sleep in the day or night,seriously pressed and uncomfortable due to the feeling as if your bladder is going to burst in a few seconds if you didn't empty its contents.
You dash off to the toilet and begin to empty your bladder,then suddenly you black out and the only  thing you could remember afterwards was when you started to urinate.Every other thing that happened was a mystery.

Nurse Of The Month

Heading to school,and on time
Its my pleasure to introduce to you our NC Blog's Nurse Of The Month.

Its a presentation of beauty,smartness,brains humor and hard work combined in one person....

She is one of those nurses who always make a remarkable impression in any area of duty and in any association,she stands out:
 You have to notice her presence,not by her forcing it but by her invigorating and effervescent sense of humor.

Adeyemo Grace Adeola

Our Nurse Of The Month.

Hobbies:Reading,boat riding,reading(she loves John Gresham like she loves Ice Cream),listening to music and surfing the internet for information.

Likes: Neatness,honesty, she likes good music and a nice ice cream (Strawberry flavored!) lol

Dislikes:Insincerity,Injustice in any form especially to hardworking and sincere people,loud-mouthed and proud folks.

Birthday: May 8

Aspirations: To be the best in any area she goes in the nursing profession and to make a positive mark in the lives of anyone she encounters.

See More beautiful pics after the cut

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Men In Nursing On The Increase

Any  observant person especially one who is in the medical or paramedical department  wherever there is a college or school of nursing would notice the trend.I was always asked the same question when i was in school regarding the increase of males in the profession that was seen as a female dominated place.
Some were even asking how i coped with all the females in the class.Recent studies show that the number of men entering careers in nursing is expected to rise over coming years.

How Does Social Media Affect Nurses?

We can easily say that within the last ten years social media has changed the way in which the world spreads information. Social media has touched every form of business and healthcare is no exception. Sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest have helped large and small hospital systems define their personalities and reach out to their patients in new ways.

Social media has positively enabled small and large hospital systems to reach out to their patients and communities in brand new ways. It is currently estimated that over 70% of nurses regularly use social media. 

That is a tremendous amount and cannot be disregarded. On one hand, social media has enabled nurses to connect with one another and share inspirational and educational material. On the other hand, social media has also created numerous concerns related to patient safety and patient privacy rights.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Boxing:A Healthy Sport Or Not?

Let's Discuss.
Use the comment box below
What do you think about boxing as a sport from the health perspectives as a nurse?Start talking lets make it fun.

Nigerian Nurse Docked For Murder of Disabled Baby in New York

A 54-year-old Nigerian nurse practicing in New York, USA, Oluyemisi Adebayo, has been arrested and charged for the murder of a disabled 23-month-old baby, Naomi Mondesire, by submerging her in scalding bath water for about 30 second, reports Daily Mail.

Adebayo who almost escaped to Nigeria, was nabbed on Wednesday April 28th in Queens, New York, as she was about boarding a flight that would have taken her out of the country.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Cedar Hill Police: Nursing home Worker Arrested After Being Found In Resident’s Bed With His Pants Down

A staff member at a Cedar Hill senior living center was arrested on an aggravated sexual assault charge Thursday after he was found in a 76-year-old resident’s bed with his pants down, police said.

Ryan Otey, 27, was being held in the Dallas County Jail Friday.
Cedar Hill police said they were dispatched to the Crescent Place Assisted Living Center on 225 West Pleasant Run Road on Thursday.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Nigeria Army Said To Have Rescued Nearly 300 Girls, Women From Boko Haram

Above is a screen capture of the tweeter page of the Nigerian army defense headquarters announcing the rescue of about 200 girls and 93 women.This is pretty good news for every person of goodwill and it means a lot for Nigerians,for their communities and their families.Kudos to our military no matter what has happened.

None of the 200 schoolgirls kidnapped near the village of Chibok last year are believed to be among those rescued, according to Aljazeera.

Nigeria's army said Tuesday it has rescued 200 girls and 93 women during a military operation to wrest back the Sambisa Forest from the Boko Haram armed group.

"Troops this afternoon rescued 200 girls and 93 women from Sambisa Forest," the army said on its Twitter account.

 A spokesman later told Reuters that those rescued did not include any "Chibok girls," a reference to the more than 200 schoolgirls kidnapped from the town of Chibok in northeast Nigeria in April 2014. That incident sparked an international outcry over the horrific violence unleashed by the group for years with little response by government.

The army also said Nigerian troops had destroyed three camps run by Boko Haram fighters there.
In April 2014, shortly after the schoolgirls from Chibok were abducted, an army spokesman claimed it had rescued most of the girls and only eight were still missing. The report was disputed by the school's principal and was proven to be false.

Nigerian forces backed by warplanes invaded the vast former colonial game reserve late last week as part of a push to win back territory from the group.

The group, notorious for violence against civilians, controlled an area roughly the size of Belgium at the start of the year but has since been beaten back by Nigerian troops, backed by Chad, Niger and Cameroon.

Source: Reuters


Saturday, 25 April 2015

10 Signs Of Menopause


Not in the mood for sex? Suffering joint pain? 

You could be on the brink of the MENOPAUSE: up there in the diagram are 10 signs every woman should be aware of...

Its a natural point or phase that must be experienced by any woman who lives long enough to get to the age.

The menopause is the time when a woman's periods stop. In the UK, this usually happens between the ages of 47 and 53. People often refer to it as 'the change.'Some people have theirs earlier and this accounts for the fear in many women sometimes when pregnancy delays in coming.

Does Menopause affect sex?

The truth is that there's no reason why you can’t continue to enjoy a happy and satisfying sex life during and after the menopause, if you want to.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

5 Nursing Students Killed in Georgia Interstate Wreck

Five nursing students died Wednesday in a chain-reaction crash that began when a tractor-trailer failed to slow down and smashed into stop-and-go traffic, Georgia authorities said.
The tractor-trailer plowed into an SUV and then rolled over a small passenger car that burst into flames, Sgt. 1st Class Chris Nease of the Georgia State Patrol said. The big truck came to a halt after ramming the back of a tanker. Those killed were traveling on Interstate 16 near Savannah in two passenger vehicles. The cars were mangled by the crash.
All five of the victims were nursing students at Georgia Southern University. St. Joseph’s/Candler Health System said the students were commuting to the hospital for their last clinical training of the year.
"The loss of any student, especially in a tragic way, is particularly painful," Brooks Keel, president of Georgia Southern, said in a statement. "Losing five students is almost incomprehensible."

Monday, 20 April 2015

Nurse Of The Month

A rare combination of smartness,beauty and diligence.

Nice experience
She is principled and dedicated to anything she puts her hands to

This Month we introduce our April Nurse of The Month:
Yes!Its her birth month(April-Born)


Cast in the mold of those nurses whose smiles alone get you on the way to recovery. 

Birthday: April 11 

Likes: Sincerity,easygoing folks,God-fearing people. 

Dislikes: Pretense,Lies,Laziness she is a very jovial and principled nurse but her conviviality doesn't get in the way of her duties.She is thorough;Everything must be done to order! 

Contact Kemi: Click Here 

More cool pics after the cut 

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Kim Kardashian Undergoes Emergency Surgery As Her Struggle To Get Pregnant Again Continues

Kim Kardashian was rushed to the hospital to undergo an emergency operation to remove some of her placenta from her uterus. Kim was told by a fertility doctor that she may not be able to carry a baby without any risk so the only way to ensure a safe pregnancy is to allow another woman to have it for her. 

Fighting back tears, Kim said: “There is nothing more on this earth that I want more than to be pregnant again and to go through that experience, I would pay any amount of money to have that. “Surrogacy is really scary for me, I don’t want one, I don’t want that to be my reality. “It’s my last resort, surrogacy. As much as I hated being pregnant, and I complained every step of the way and joked that I didn’t want one, I really don’t want a surrogate. “I wouldn’t dare ask anyone to do this for me. It freaks me out, what if they’re a lunatic, what if they run off with my baby?

Monday, 23 March 2015

50 Nursing Jobs For Filipinos In Ireland

The Philippine Overseas Labor Office in London reports a 'need in Ireland for suitably qualified nurses to fill up vacancies in Health Service Executive and care homes'
MANILA, Philippines – Fifty jobs in an Ireland nursing home are available to Filipino nurses, the Philippine labor department said. 

Two Ireland-based recruitment agencies hiring nurses for the European country's Health Service Executive (HSE) are also looking for local partners.
Labor Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz on Monday, March 23, said a foreign placement agency in Ireland confirmed to the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) in London it will hire 50 Filipino nurses for its client Ardmore Care Home Group Limited. 

"Our POLO in London has verified the 50 job orders of Triopharm Ltd for nursing positions. It has tied up with Serviecon International Corporation, a licensed Philippine recruitment agency, which is conducting sourcing and selection of qualified candidates," said Baldoz.
Applicants for the jobs in Ardmore must be licensed or registered nurses in the Philippines with minimum two years relevant working experience and must have an overall score of 6.5 in the International English Language Testing System.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

How Ghana Changed The Exodus Of Nurses

Ghana's government has scrapped a controversial ban on newly qualified nurses traveling to find more lucrative employment abroad.

They introduced it 10 years ago when the West African country was suffering from a shortfall of nurses as many headed off for better opportunities in the West.

It began a scheme funding the education of nurses who then had to agree to work for the next five years in Ghana.

But now the government says it has enough nurses and it is no longer useful to keep them under bond.
"There are now more private schools churning out nurses and some of them can't even find jobs," Dr Kwesi Abir, the health ministry's deputy director of human resources, told the BBC. 

Nursing Assistant Teaches Teenager How To Take Her Life!

Nursing assistant Sharon Bradley has been suspended while Stobill Hospital investigates allegations she sent a picture showing how to commit suicide to a vulnerable in-patient at psychiatric unit.

A hospital is investigating allegations a nursing assistant sent a suicidal teen instructions on how to kill herself.

The unnamed girl was a vulnerable in-patient in a psychiatric support unit at Skye House in the grounds of Stobhill Hospital, Glasgow , when it is alleged Nursing assistant Sharon Bradley, 49, sent her a picture through photo-sharing website Instagram, which explained how someone could end their life

Monday, 16 March 2015

Lagos Doctors Begin Another Indefinite Strike

Medical  doctors in the employment of Lagos State are to commence another indefinite strike today, as their effort to reach a truce with the state government at the weekend was unsuccessful.

Medical Guild, the umbrella body of the doctors serving in the state’s public hospitals, had on March 8 issued a 10-day ultimatum to government to pay all outstanding monies allegedly withheld as a result of previous strikes embarked upon by the doctors.

Daily Independent learnt that the leadership of the Nigeria Medical Association (NMA) at the weekend, made unsuccessful efforts to meet with Governor Babatunde Fashola to discuss the unhealthy development.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Nurse Of The Month

Dear NC readers, Nurses and friends,behold our nurse of the Month for March 2015

Here comes another wonderful colleague,a pretty nurse,smart, intelligent and Diligent.

Name: IJEOMA (Aijay)
Likes: Open minded people.She also likes Pleasant surprises and learning new stuffs

Dislikes: Snobs and dishonest people,long distance travels(except by a cozy Gulfstream jet... lol)

Hobbies:Listening to good music,cooking,Watching movies,and surfing the internet.

Birthday: May 22

Words To Nurses:Keep on improving on yourself,dont be stagnant and try to be the best at whatever you do.Do not also forget God as the first priority and you will get to the peak...Shalom!

Contact:      Facebook   

More Pics after the cut 

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Sexual Harassment Of Nurses 2 ( VIDEO)

Harassment of nurses happen in the different settings they work.Sometimes it could even be from senior directors but most times,its from the people for which they are in the hospital to care for-the patients.

Sexual Harassment By Patients,Ever Experienced it?

Have you ever had this experience? After reading kindly share your experience below in the comment box to help other nurses know how you handled it.

Many nurses have had to contend with this issue at one time or the other in the course of their practice.

I have personally noted this most times especially in surgical or orthopedic open ward when patients are not necessarily ill but are simply incapacitated because of certain orthopedic impediment.Hence all other parts of the body including the perception and speech are intact.

Nurses have also reported sexual advances in patients private rooms where they had gone to care for such.Nurse are caring and patients sometimes misunderstand this to mean a call reason to advance.

This Woman Will Never Eat Again!

What would it feel like if you were to never eat again?You may have sometimes heard some people say that they wished they had a drug that would keep them filled ever ,never hungry again so that they wouldn't have to stress themselves to get money for food.However, all this is just a joke to keep life going.

But now,we are not joking.Her name is Nichola Nichols.She is just 25 and has a serious problem that paralyzed her stomach muscles.Because of this ,Nichola has not eaten in 7 years and will never eat again!

I know you will be thinking about a miracle now or your mind may be thinking about the possibility of her being healed by the the power of God.Yes.I believe that too.And i8 know that it is very possible for Nichola to get healed like many other people who have been miraculously cured of seemingly irredeemable conditions.

UNN Students Cry Out Over Delayed Licenses

ENUGU – No fewer than 94 students of the University of Nigeria Nsukka,UNN, have cried out to relevant authorities to intervene in the impasse subsisting between the school management and Medical Rehabilitation Technical Board of Nigeria,MRTBN.

The students who graduated since last year from the Medical Rehabilitation Department, held a peaceful protest, Wednesday, at the Enugu campus said their licences for induction which is long over due, was being delayed over administrative standoff between the school and MRTBN.

Chanting and marching round the Faculty Building,carrying placards with inscriptions that reads:”Our Internship have been denied because we do not have license, UNN and MRTBN,please set us free,We are trapped,stagnated and helpless, After collecting our N5M,no license,no induction,no job” the protesting students alleged that they paid N50,000 each for the license but to avail.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Nurses In Hot Demand In Dubai

Faced with shortage of medical staff, several private hospitals looking to hire nurses

The salary range for nurses in the UAE is between Dh3,500 and Dh16,000, with the average salary being Dh8,500 (that is between N189,000-N864,700)
Published Monday, March 09, 20

As new medical facilities and hospitals open up in the UAE, nurses are high in demand in the country.

In fact, the demand for medical professionals, which includes nurses, has been consistently going up over the past years and authorities are developing strategies to generate manpower to keep with the growing needs of this sector.

The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) announced in December last year that it recruited 531 nurses from various countries such as India, Philippines and Jordan, in order to increase their numbers in the medical field.

You Can Charge Your Phone With Urine!


Ha!I know you would be wondering what i am talking about this morning.well let me tell you that everything is possible or is becoming possible now with the continuous improvement and research into ways of making life easier for man.

The only thing that is impossible and very much unlikely yet is how to prevent death or how to bring back the dead.Of course certain diseases still cant be cured or prevented and that points to a higher being in charge of everything.

Waste not, want not, the saying goes, and researchers at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory are turning something we all produce – urine – into clean electricity, or 'urine-tricity'.
It sounds outlandish, but earlier this year, at the Reinvent the Toilet Fair in New Delhi, India – co-hosted by the Indian Department of Biotechnology and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – the team exhibited a functional urinal that was able to charge a phone using just urine, a world first. 

Google says humans could live for 500 YEARS

Google says humans could live for 500 YEARS - and is investing in firms hoping to extend our lives five-fold
Google has invested in taxi firms, smart thermostats and even artificial intelligence but it is also setting its sights on immortality - or at least increasing our lives five-fold. 

In an interview with Bloomberg, Google Ventures' president Bill Maris said he thinks it's possible to live to 500 years old. 
And this will be helped by medical breakthroughs as well as a rise in biomechanics.

He has already ploughed money into genetics firms and cancer diagnostic startups and said: 'We have the tools in the life sciences to achieve anything that you have the audacity to envision. I just hope to live long enough not to die.' 
Mr Maris founded Google Ventures in 2009 and oversees all of the fund’s global activities.
He studied neuroscience at Middlebury College and conducted neurobiology research at Duke University. 

One Billion Young At Risk Of Hearing Loss--WHO

The World Health organization WHO has warned that about one billion young people are at risk of developing hearing loss due to listening to loud music.

More than one billion young people risk damaging their hearing through listening to loud music, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday.
The WHO estimates that around half of those between the ages of 12 and 35 in middle- and high-income countries are at risk due to unsafe levels of sound on personal audio devices or smartphones.
Another 40 percent are at risk from damaging audio levels at concert venues and night clubs.
“More and more young people are exposed to unsafe levels of sounds. Young people should be aware that once you lose your hearing, it won’t come back,” said Shelley Chadha, a WHO specialist on hearing impairment.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

A Day In The Live of A Nurse


High school students from Gering and Scottsbluff got a chance last week to learn what it’s like to be a nurse.

Becky Kautz, a member of the nursing faculty at Western Nebraska Community College, gathered current nurses to speak about how they came to the profession while student nurses and other members of the faculty showed the 50 students what life is like for a nurse in several of the nursing disciplines.

“This is the first time we’ve tried this activity,” Kautz said. “We invited high school students who have expressed an interest in nursing as a career path.”

Kautz said there is a continual need for nurses and WNCC can provide the training.

“We have both LPN and RN degrees here,” she said.

T.J. Dredla, an anesthetist with Regional West Medical center, said he didn’t really know at first if he wanted to be in health care.

“Something kept pulling me toward medicine,” he said. “The many opportunities in nursing was comforting because I could practice at home in rural areas and help my friends and family.”