Monday, 19 October 2015

Can I Drink Alcohol While Pregnant?

I'm Pregnant,Should I Take Alcohol?

Many of our people have different belief systems about what to eat or not eat during pregnancy.

Some communities believe that certain foods taken during pregnancy helps to reduce the weight or size of baby in the womb and makes for easy delivery.

There are simply many beliefs.I don't know what your people believe.

For many years there has been a debate about the safety of alcohol in pregnant women.Many researches have been conducted, and sometimes in the past,some people claimed that a little alcohol isn't harmful to the mom or her baby in utero.

Apart from the advice or suggestions of experts,many women have continued to take alcohol during pregnancy,no matter the trimester they are in. Some smoke heavily and take many other things that have been proven to be harmful to the child.

Yes.In many instances,they had healthy babies but,is the risk worth it? Should you stake the health of your baby and your happiness for fleeting pleasures or habits?

Some take a little,while others take much.Most times,most of these women do not even know that they are pregnant but due to the already established habit of alcohol consumption, they'd continue throughout until harm is done already to the developing baby.

"Should I drink even a small quantity of alcohol when pregnant"?

Recent research has said that taking of alcoholic drinks isn't safe at any point during pregnancy.

"The only guarantee of having no effects from alcohol is no prenatal alcohol exposure," said Dr. Janet Williams, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Texas Health Science Center and co-author of the new statement and report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

However, "studies do not conclude that alcohol use is safe," Williams said. Instead, they only show "that in certain study populations under certain conditions, there is or is not sufficient evidence of effect that can be attributable to alcohol exposure."

Indeed, according to Janni Niclasen, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Copenhagen who has studied alcohol and pregnancy, "With our current research methods, we will never be able to conclude from human studies whether there is a safe lower level below which drinking is not associated with any harm to the developing fetus."

Of course, many women inadvertently drink alcohol without realizing that they're pregnant. And alcohol often plays a role in sexual encounters aimed at producing a baby, including those that may occur when a woman doesn't know she's pregnant. So, should women of childbearing age always avoid alcohol?

Williams isn't willing to go that far, and would only say that alcohol and pregnancy don't go together. She added that some women, despite the findings of research, "continue to rationalize that their own alcohol use during pregnancy is sufficiently low or infrequent to be safe"

Niclasen, the Denmark researcher, said women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant should avoid all alcohol. "I am often called a moralist for having this perspective, but I think we need to focus on the development and future life of the unborn children," she said.

Christina Chambers, a professor of pediatrics at the Center for Better Beginnings at the University of California, San Diego, offers this advice: "Women of childbearing age who drink alcohol should consider their pattern of drinking. For example, avoid binge drinking and avoid pregnancy as long as they are drinking. If pregnancy is planned, then alcohol can be discontinued."

There may be no risk "if a woman has consumed small amounts of alcohol prior to knowing she is pregnant," she said, but "the best advice is to avoid pregnancy if drinking and to avoid drinking if pregnant."

According to both Williams and Chambers, alcohol use poses risks in all stages of pregnancy, and neither would say the risk is higher in certain stages.

Overall, Chambers said, the AAP's statement "is an important stand to take, and hopefully it will lead to less stigma associated with [fetal alcohol spectrum disorders] and to more access to and uptake of prevention and treatment services."----HealthDayNews

In all,my suggestion and which I believe you should have been able to see by now is that it is safer to stay off anything that has the capacity to harm your baby,no matter the reason.The pain and heartbreak that comes from realizing that your few moments of trivial actions actually caused some serious damage or unpleasant effect on your innocent child is not worth it at all.

What do you think? Your comment is welcome.

Stay Trim,Stay Fit and Healthy
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